Conversations with Post Partner: Taliah Leigh

So many photographers that I see online have the desire to photograph weddings around the world. In this episode, I thought I would have a conversation with a real destination photographer named Taliah Leigh and ask her what it takes to be a destination photographer.

In this episode, she gives some amazing insight into how she got her start in traveling for weddings and some of the challenges she has had to overcome. If you have ever considered becoming a destination wedding photographer I hope this information is helpful, I know that I had a lot of questions answered.

Thank you for listening and enjoy our conversation!

Our guest next week is someone I know really well, because he is ME. We have Jen taking the reins as host as she asks me questions about my photography, editing, and life. Hopefully its not a snoozefest.

If you like these conversations, make sure to subscribe to hear more, and leave us a review if you have a minute! Thank you so much for tuning in, I hope to see you again.



Conversations with the Editors: First year as a Wedding Photographer


Conversations with Post Partner: Anne Scott-Virtue