How To: Using Solo Mode

Editing your images already takes up a chunk of your time. Today, Laine, one of our awesome Post Partner editors is sharing why using Solo Mode has become one of her favourite ways to speed up the post processing.

Not every editor in the Post Parter office edits the exact same way. And, since each editors workflow is different and personalized to each photographer, we thought we would share some of our teams favourite tips of how they optimize their workflow!


Here's Laine:

“Hi guys, Laine here today!

One of my biggest time wasters when editing an order is scrolling through the develop module, past all the different panels, trying to find the specific tool I’m looking for. It takes up way too much time, especially if a few of the panels are already open. So instead I go Solo. And no, I'm not talking about blasting "Ridin' Solo by Jason Derulo", to get me focused. Solo Mode is an Lightroom organization tool that you can use on your develop module. How it works is by only opening one panel at a time, and automatically closing all other panels when you're not using them. That way instead of scrolling through all the options, I just open what I need when I need it!

I've even gone a step further and memorized the keyboard shortcuts for each panel so I can get to where I need to go quicker.”

How do I get to Solo Mode?

SOLO MODE BLOG1-1024x865.jpg

Simply right click on the anywhere on the panels in the develop module and select Solo Mode. Voila!

Solo Mode panel shortcuts

Command+1 - Basic Panel

Command+2 - Curve Panel

Command+3 - HSL Panel

Command+4 - Split Toning Panel

Command+5 - Detail Panel

Command+6 - Lens Correct

Command+7 - Effects

Command+8 - Camera Calibration

What are some of your favourite shortcuts?

Brandon Peterson

Brandon is the founder of Post Partner. He began the business in 2009, and has gone through many cycles of running small businesses, from being a one-man-show to leading a growing team. He loves seeing photographers take their business to the next level when they partner with our team to help them get their time back.

How To: Apply a preset to all your images


Conversations with Post Partner: Myles Koebel