Photographer Interview - Taliah Leigh

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The photographers we get to work with at Post Partner are our biggest inspiration. They're artists and friends and we want to share their talent with everyone! Today, we're talking with Taliah Berger, of Taliah Leigh Photography. In a world full of photographers, Taliah stands out of crowd, and today she'll be sharing all about what makes you unique as a photographer!

Hey guys! Jen here!

When I found out we were doing an interview with Taliah, I was so excited and knew I wanted to share it with you! Taliah and I met four years ago when we were both attending a lifegroup at Jamie Delaine's house. I knew right away we'd be friends. You see, Taliah has this big, beautiful smile that instantly draws you in and makes you feel comfortable. You can tell she LOVES life. She's always smiling, and laughing and makes everyone feel included in the conversation. She wholeheartedly loves people!

When we first met, she was just starting in wedding photographer, and now she shoots all over the world! It's been so much fun to see how much hard work she has put into her business, finding her specific unique niche as a photographer, and growing into the extremely talented photographer she is today!

If you haven't, you need to check her out! You can check out her website here!

Q1. Who is Taliah Leigh?

TL: An intimate and destination photographer for wholeheartedly adventurous couples.

Q2. How and when did you get started as a photographer?

TL: I shot my first wedding almost 5 years ago now! I signed up for the photographer course in high school because 1) it was taught by my favourite teacher, 2) I thought it would be 'fun + easy', and 3) I figured it would be something I would actually use after high school.

About halfway through the year, I was bringing the camera home every weekend begging my sisters to model for me. The next fall, a couple families from church asked if I could take their photos and my aunt asked if I would shoot their wedding. I had NO idea what i was getting into, but I LOVED it. I put an ad on Craigslist shortly after, being completely honest with my experience level, started second shooting for other local photographers and it just spiralled from there! I have been doing photography full time now for 2.5 years!

Q3. Where are you based out of?

TL: I am based just outside of Vancouver, BC in Langley!

Q4. Your tagline is "Intimate, Wholehearted and Adventurous". How did you come up with that?

TL: I actually did coaching with Jacilyn M, so I "found" my words in that process! I would highly recommend it! Basically, through a series of Skype calls, assignments and A LOT of digging deep, we came to those three words at the end of the process. Not just for my business, but that describes me and my life as well.

There are so many "words" and personality traits that make us who we are, but intimate, wholehearted and adventurous are ME. Straight to the core! They are what I see and value in my relationships and also how I approach everyday life.

I try to make sure any photo that is posted is highlighting and reflects one of those three words. That way, regardless of the different weather, location, lighting, landscapes, etc., my brand is consistent and has a clear message. It's been so fun to see my clients or even inquiries using the words or synonyms too!

Side Note: This is so true. Taliah exudes all these things in her own personal life. Those three words help you to get to know who Taliah Leigh is right away, and know exactly what to expect when she's shooting for you!

Q5. Recently you went to Cabo for a destination wedding! What is the best part about shooting destination weddings?

TL: My favourite part about destination weddings is being a part of the story. Drinking coffee with the bride at 5am in the airport as her wedding dress bag is over her shoulders, exploring like a local with the bride and groom, or hanging out with the guests poolside. Destination weddings are definitely a lot more work and time consuming, but they are such a unique experience. I love being able to be there with my couples for all of it.

Q6. You live in the rainy Pacific NorthWest, how do you embrace the weather and light where you live versus southern light.

TL: I have definitely learned to treat them totally different. After falling in love with California and that oh-so-sweet golden hour light, those moody rainy days days just aren't the same, and definitely don't give off the same vibes.

Lately I have been trying to really use those differences in light and weather when picking locations booking shoot times. For example, that 'golden hour' orange glow seemed to unnatural as a PNW girls and drove me crazy while editing at first. But, that is what is so unique to California. I have been learning to work with it and use it, rather than avoid it.

Q7. What was the best advice you were given as a new photographer?

TL: That YOU are what makes your business unique.

Q8. How do you approach a wedding day? What do you think about when you're shooting?

TL: I think the biggest thing when I first start to shoot is assessing the mood and atmosphere. Did the bride wake up sick so she's stressed? Are her and her girls drinking champagne and listening to music?

As a photographer, we are obviously there to shoot and do our jobs, and I never want my presence to change that. I want to blend in, be their friend. I help the bride if she is stressed, or sing along and laugh with the girls as I get their details ready. Understanding and matching the mood is not only going to help when connecting with them throughout the day, but also helps me tell their story wholeheartedly.

Q9. What motivates you to continue shoting?

TL: The people. The travel.

In all honesty, seeing my brides post photos I took of them years later with their bridesmaid on her birthday, or getting a text saying the the photo I took is by their loved ones hospital bed motivates me. Being a part of and documenting my client's stories.

Q10. Who are your top 3 favourite photographers right now?


1. Benj Haisch

2. India Earl

3. Lauren Parks

Q11. Top 3 interesting facts about you?


1. I take forever to drink a cup of tea. No really, it takes me hours.

2. I go to the beach, rain or shine.

3. I almost always have google flights open on my computerThank you so much,

Taliah! We have LOVED working with you, and can't wait to journey along with you this year on all your new adventures!

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Brandon Peterson

Brandon is the founder of Post Partner. He began the business in 2009, and has gone through many cycles of running small businesses, from being a one-man-show to leading a growing team. He loves seeing photographers take their business to the next level when they partner with our team to help them get their time back.

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